
Trying to do a doodle a day. Last night’s, based upon a small person with a penchant for pirates and princesses turned out pretty fun, so I thought I’d have a play with this digital colouring malarkey.

New toys

Mostly about my lovely new Waterman ringtop lever fill pen, but I couldn’t let a new toy post pass without a showing of it.. Magical belt that’s also a beer bottle opener, spanner and screwdrivers!! awww yeahh

O ran ge Broadband

I can barely even speak I am so outrageously angry with O Broadband’s customer ‘service’ so all I can say is DO NOT TOUCH THE LYING CRUNTS WITH A BARGEPOLE. Oh they let you in alright. They let you in. That bit they can do fine.  Try leaving though.  TRY IT. OH IT DIDN’T WORK DID IT. TRY AGAIN. NOW TRY AGAIN. TRY HARDER. NOTE: The site is now banned from orange mobile devices because it contains ‘adult content’. Really? What would that be? OH IS IT A CRITICISM OF YOUR TERRIBLE SERVICE WOULD IT SCAR CHILDREN?